Enhance honesty, integrity, tolerance, responsibility, compassion, and respect along with other desirable qualities...
Walk for Values works towards enhancing the positive, desirable qualities of character – such as Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, Love, & Non-violence – inherent in all human beings. They are fundamental to human existence and span across cultures, nationalities and classes. Countries all over the World participate and partner in cultivating an environment of trust, transparency, responsibility, caring, respect, cooperation, quality and excellence

Walk for Values is part of a global drive to seed the human consciousness with timeless affirmations such as hope, kindness, patience and honesty, along with other positive values deemed integral to the sustenance and survival of mankind
Why Walk ?
Walk for Value
How is this Walk different ?
Walk for Value
Five Universal Human Values

Embracing these values is key to uniting society and fostering global peace and happiness.

Truth refers to the quality or state of being in accordance with fact or reality.
Right conduct is morally correct behavior guided by honesty, fairness, and respect.
Peace is a state of tranquility often linked with the absence of conflict.
Love is deep care and compassion towards someone or something.
Nonviolence is the philosophy and practice of avoiding harm to others through any means.

Walk with us
share moments, thoughts, and connections with fellow travelers, each step fostering bonds and revealing the beauty of the path ahead. Join us, and let's wander together through the tapestry of life's adventures.
Who Can Participate ?
Anyone can participate in the walk. And all are invited to join hearts and hands to promote a universal movement. Participants are also encouraged to invite their families and friends to join the walk. It is encouraged that participants register early to get a tee-shirt designed specifically to commemorate each year’s walk.

Parking available at Sai Nilayam Longdenville
Shuttle service to Santos Recreation Ground
Fun activities for family members of all ages!

Parking available at Sai Nilayam Longdenville
Shuttle service to Santos Recreation Ground
Fun activities for family members of all ages!

Parking available at Sai Nilayam Longdenville
Shuttle service to Santos Recreation Ground
Fun activities for family members of all ages!

Parking available at Sai Nilayam Longdenville
Shuttle service to Santos Recreation Ground
Fun activities for family members of all ages!
Walk Logo Symbolism
The five toes represent the five universal values of Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, Love, and Non Violence, which are in essence values without borders, transcending barriers of caste, class, country, and creed and offering, when they are practiced, the sweet promise of individual and social renewal.

Shaped as a heart, the sole of the foot symbolizes love, the undercurrent of all human values and the core of our being.
The heel of the walker’s foot, drawn as a tear-drop, symbolizes the compassion that moves every human heart to serve and reach out to fellow beings and nature.
“Love as Thought is Truth. Love as Action is Right Conduct. Love as Understanding is Peace. Love as Feeling is Non-violence.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce nec nunc lorem.
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